2010 was the year I put my anxiety aside and entered more local art shows. I was thrilled to win some ribbons, and encouraged to continue showing. My goal for 2011 is to make painting a priority. And stop procrastinating so much!

Down By Harrisburg 23 x 31 pastel 1st place, Oregon Society of Artists Fall juried show 2010

One Last Look Before I Go 12x36 pastel
People's Choice, Oregon Society of Artists Fall juried show 2010

From the Abbey 23x31 pastel Second Place, Silverton Plein Air Festival 2010

End of August 15x19 pastel Second Place pastels, Night of the Arts 2010

Refuge 12x36 pastel
Fourth Place pastels, North Clackamas Art Show

Quiet Evening 11x14 oil
Honorable Mention, Yamhill Lavender Festival 2010