Two Does 24x24 pastel N Equall |
I have a booth with my painting buddy Rose this weekend at the Spring Home and Garden Show at the Expo Center, off I-5 by Delta Park. I'm one of the artists painting and displaying some of my paintings in the artisan gallery. We're all set up in building C, by the Ikea Dream Box House. There are eleven artists from Oregon Society of Artists, and we're all painting during the show, which started Wednesday the 22nd and continues thru this Sunday. It's a huge show, with three buildings full of vendors. It's very impressive! Building C is amazing, as it has display gardens, the Ikea house,and orchid growers (swoon!) with the most amazing blooming orchids at Trader Joe prices. There is a Max station right outside the expo if you're so inclined. Hours are 11-8 Friday, 10-8 Saturday and 11-5 Sunday. Wear your walking shoes, and bring a rolling cart if you plan on buying plants or art or whatever.
I brought a regular studio easel to the show, along with a new tall directors chair, and my mechanic's rolling cart to hold my pastel box. It's working out great. I haven't used the chair much, but it's really nice to have one that puts me at eye level when I do sit for a few minutes. It just seems weird to sit and paint, so I stand when I'm actually putting pastel to the paper.
There is a $2 admission discount coupon available at this link...
I hope to see you there!
Second Chances 16x16 pastel |